Fear and Loathing on facebook

Grand Canyon“Nobody has spread hate more ten Obama he has set race relations back 50 years.” a facebook post 

Coming back to the news, my email queue, and facebook, after being gone for two weeks, has been a shock. Not that anything is any different than when I left, it’s just that I had been away from it. I pretty much only used my phone as a paperweight and alarm clock while we were gone and it separated me from the normalcy of violence in my daily life. Grand Canyon-2A coup in Turkey, a mass killing in Germany, another black man killed by another scared- shitless cop in any city USA, fill the papers. Entreaties for more money because a judge has jailed a black lawyer for wearing the wrong pin, or because Trump has said something particularly nasty, clog my email in-basket. And then there is facebook, sucking me into arguments that seem like arguments on morality when they are really only different opinions. I don’t want to say that the sun going down over the Grand Canyon is better than arguing over Hillary hiring Wasserman, it isn’t; but it is more soothing and it is more connected to the Mystery.Grand Canyon

2 thoughts on “Fear and Loathing on facebook

    1. Kirk, I hadn’t been to the South Rim in, probably, 20 years and I had forgotten how crowded and yet still wonder filled it is. Go, go go

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