The Road to Schifferstadt

We started our drive to Schifferstadt, Germany,  and The Cousins, on back roads but our trusty Citroën took our request, to stay off of freeways and take the scenic route, a little too seriously and we were directed to one lane rural roads. Before we got to Germany, we switched to the Autoroute which morphed into an identical looking Autobahn with less fanfare than driving from Arkansas to Tennessee. We knew we were getting close to Germany, however, when the exit directions were still in French but the exit locations were all for German towns; sort of like à côté sortie Saarbrücken. Driving on back roads in way more interesting than blasting down a highway, dodging trucks (although it was fun passing a long chain of identical trucks, marked AMG Petronis, which we assumed was the Mercedes F1 Team on their way to The Hockenheimring Grand Prix next weekend). One nice thing about the Autobahn is that there are rest stops although they are not as nice as the Rest Stops in Texas which still leads in The Best Rest Stop category. 

2 thoughts on “The Road to Schifferstadt

  1. The scenery reminds of the southeastern U.S. Love, love all the car reference and Citroen has improved its styling since the 1980’s.

    Auf wiedersehen

    1. Auf wiedersehen to yourownself (man o man, the words are long here, I think the German word for exit is my current fave).

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