Things the government does great

Rest stopsI refer to myself as a Liberal Libertarian even though I know that it often gives people the wrong impression (or, maybe although I hope not, because it gives people the wrong impression). The operative word is Liberal, mostly because Libertarian has been roont by the Conservatives. Yes, I think we have way too many laws, some that are put there by well-meaning people and many more that  are put there, not for the general good, but to protect special interests, still, government does lots of great things and almost all of these great things wouldn’t be without government.

Because I am Bernie guy, I write about stuff that doesn’t work vs. stuff that does work in a different relationship than I actually feel. Most stuff does work so, instead of only writing about problems, I want to write about stuff that does work.

Over the last couple of years, California has replaced or rebuilt all of the roadside rest areas and they are terrific. I think that there are a couple on I5 that are the same but most rest area are one of a kind and site specific. The one above is on Highway 46, about half way between 101 and I5. It is knockout. Rest stops-3 Rest stops-4

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