“60 Awesome Portraits Of Gay Couples Just Married In New York State”


The title is ripped off the website  BuzzFeed and so are these two pictures. The full 60 -actually, 59 – pictures are there, also. Check it out! It is more than 59 wedding pictures, it is 59 pictures of people who have just been told they are as good as anybody else.



One thought on ““60 Awesome Portraits Of Gay Couples Just Married In New York State”

  1. Steve

    I often check in on your blog and wanted to tell you that I was in New York city when the gay marriage law was signed by the governor. After walking the High Line we wondered around in Chelsea and I have to say that I’ve never seen so much sheer joy on the streets of New York. A gay pride street fair was in the works with all that good old American stuff, hot dogs, funnel cakes, ice cream and hundreds of local artists and vendors peddling their wares, from jeweled dog collars to herbal wrinkle removing cream. The atmosphere was festive, but more than that there was such a powerful aura of happiness in the air that, if you were there, you couldn’t help but breathe it in.

    I do enjoy reading your posts – keepm coming

    Arlene Grubbs

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