We had a buck in our yard yesterday morning, but now he is gone.

I posted a comment about a buck we found in our yard, yesterday and Michele photographed. Now, the post is completely gone from the website. This is the second time that has happened and I have no explanation. The magic of the web, I guess. 


He was a very impressive animal even if this photo gives him a slightly Skooby-doo look.

2 thoughts on “We had a buck in our yard yesterday morning, but now he is gone.

  1. That is a very regal looking buck, however, now I look at it and think Skooby-Doo!
    I really like the shadows and light on him.

  2. We also had a doe and two fawns that sort of lived here. One of the fawns developed a huge lump on his/her throat and soon disappeared; I saw the other one, dead, by the side of the road. It bothered me a lot more than I thought it would. Now I haven’t seen the mother in two days. Shit!

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