2 thoughts on “A Walk in China: Day -1

  1. I’m looking forward to traveling to China vicariously with you two – have a great flight!

  2. Hi –
    Here is your list for spots in Shanghai:
    Whampoa Club (high-end); Yin (run by Chef Dan, mid-tier), Crystal Jade for dim sum, Ah Shan (locals eatery, opened in 1983) and Lu Bo Lang (government joint, still good). Roads for stalls: Nanjing Road (main shopping artery, look for XLBs; Wujiang Road (dirty, bustling) to look for “…a narrow row house that served dumoplings grilled in a skillet the size of a wagon wheel; the elevated Yan’an Expressway for the man at the takeout window…served Shanghai shaomai..” Look for alleys with good smells and you may find cumin-scented lamb. Eat well!

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