Marble bath at Steel Pass



Several years ago  – probably more looking at how much less I weighed  – I was involved in what I like to call The Marble Bath Gambol. At Wendel Moyer’s suggestion, several of us installed a marble bath at Steel Pass where one did not seem to exist but was shown as Marble Bath on many maps. It had been increasingly likely that the area was going to be annexed into Death Valley National Monument which was then going to be upgraded to a National Park – the highest level of protection and control. Wendel felt that the park would need a real Marble Bath but it would have to be done before the area was actually a park.

The installation did involve a certain disregard for the rules and regulations governing the installation of a structure in a Wilderness Area but it was felt that the end result justified the violation.

Somewhere, I have a bunch of pictures of the whole thing but my picture storing protocol has been pretty casual and I am not sure where to even start looking for them. But, today, while looking for something totally unrelated, I ran into this picture.

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