“All these people have their public whatever and their Twitter world, but they don’t have any following. They’re four people, and that’s how many votes they got.” In an interview with The New York Times circa 2020, Speaker Nancy Pelosi referring to the Squad.
After five years in Congress, she [AOC] has emerged as a tested navigator of its byzantine systems, wielding her celebrity to further her political aims in a way few others have. Three terms in, one gets the sense that we’re witnessing a skilled tactician exiting her political adolescence and coming into her own as a veteran operator out to reform America’s most dysfunctional political body. The Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez You Don’t Know by Gaby Del Valle in The New York Times
It has now been about a week and a half since my heart valve operation, and everything seems brighter. I feel younger, not young for sure, but younger. The weather has been great – at least most of the time – with clear blue skies and temperatures in the low 70s. I’m not supposed to drive yet – I have no idea why – and my hospital release papers tell me not to walk on steep hills or lift more than 5 pounds. I have had zero pain. Zero. This whole operation has been astounding.
Near the end of last year, I got COVID. Earlier in the Spring, I ended up in the hospital with the flu, and now I am sort of tethered to the house. My last seven months have faded into a grey blur in which nothing seems to have happened. In the meanwhile, the world outside our door has continued to chug along. Well, most of the world, anyway, the US presidential race seems to be stuck in a Groundhog Day loop (just like me).
While there are safe for Biden blue states and safe for Trump red states, Trump seems to be leading Biden, more or less permanently, in the so-called swing states. As to why Trump is leading Biden, there are all kinds of theories, from the poles being wrong to the Democrats being clueless about what the average person thinks. All the theories are slightly true, but I also think that Joe Biden has never been a particularly good campaigner. That’s too bad because Biden has been a much better-than-average President and the best president so far on Climate Change.
The brightest spot in this year’s political landscape – for me, at least – is that so far, every Squad member has won their primary despite AIPAC – the American Israel Public Affairs Committee – claiming they are antiSemites and spending heavily to eliminate them from the public discussion. The Squad is not anti-Semitic, of course, but they are anti-Israeli policy, and AIPAC is a lobbying organization designed to promote the Israeli government and its policies, so there is a built-in conflict. Not only is that conflict with the Israeli government but with President Biden, who has, until recently, wholeheartedly backed whatever Netanyahu did.
Still, that hasn’t stopped President Biden from allying with the Squad when he is trying to minimize Climate Change. A couple of weeks ago, he announced the formation of an American Climate Corps and invited AOC to join him in the announcement. She did and even wore Biden’s trademark aviator glasses. I read about the announcement on Instagram and still haven’t seen anything about it in the New York Times since September of last year.
Lastly, maybe that is part of the problem; the mainstream media is too busy covering the 2024 Presidential election as a political horse race rather than talking about what the candidates want to do. No matter what the media reports, I am feeling much better and will soon be able to drive and even lift more than five pounds.