“We are effectively run in this country, via the Democrats, via our corporate oligarchs, by a bunch of childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives and the choices that they’ve made, and so they want to make the rest of the country miserable, too.” Senator JD Vance.
[The] false claim by Trump that Harris is generating fake big crowds with AI was a true Captain Queeg moment, maybe the most bat-guano crazy thing I’ve seen in 40 years of covering presidential elections. Will Bunch National opinion columnist, Philadelphia Inquirer.
But there’s no question something big happened on July 21. Lenny Bronner in the Washington Post
“I don’t know where you all are, but Gov. Tim Walz, everybody gives him thumbs up. By the way, I didn’t get that 100 percent thumbs up for any of the other candidates.” Democratic strategist Donna Brazile.
Vice-president Kamala Harris is going to be the next President of The United States. That shocked me, and I’m not sure why. Part of the reason, I think, is that I thought an Elizabeth Warren or Amy Klobashure type would be the first woman President. Harris seems too young or too lightweight, too amateur, because of her coltish demeanor and laugh. Now, I think that is part of her draw.
Ambition is not considered a virtue in women. “She is ambitious” is a slur, just like “He has no ambition” is a slur. That Hillary Clinton was ambitious was one of the things that many people didn’t like about her, and Harris being ambitious was a detriment when she ran for President in 2020, but this time around, Harris didn’t run for President; she was in the right place at the right time, and it seemed to just fall – for lack of a better word – on her.
Even if Harris thought Biden might drop out, she must have been somewhat surprised when he did; still, she moved extraordinarily quickly to round up support and money. She started with the party royals; the Clintons backed Harris on the first day after Biden withdrew, and the Obamas were brought around on day 4. That’s impressive. There must have been other contenders, but Harris sewed up her nomination before they even got started. Then she didn’t pick the guy the party establishment wanted her to pick. She picked the guy she wanted. Harris immediately took control.
I voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016, and I voted for Joe Biden in 2020, although I didn’t really vote for either of them; I voted against Donald Trump. Since then, Trump has become even more erratic and bitter and, to my thinking, even harder to vote for. He has become a senile old man ranting about how everybody is cheating on him and treating him wrongly. Strangely – or weirdly, if you prefer – Trump has retreated to Mar-a-Largo.
Michele thinks that the reason Trump is holed up at Mar-a-Lago is because his crowds are smaller than Harris’ crowds. That may be a factor, but I think the biggest reason Trump isn’t holding rallies is because he is afraid after he was almost shot dead at the rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. And, I have to say, I don’t blame him; I’d be afraid, too, if some wacko had tried to kill me.
Meanwhile, Vice-president Kamala Harris and Governor Tim Walz are on the campaign trail and drawing record crowds. It turns out that Walz is a great campaigner and an effective attack dog, playing bad cop to Harris’ good cop (which is, after all, one of the main jobs of the VP). It turns out that Harris was right about her VP choice. That’s a good quality to have as President.
Yep. All of that. Actually feeling hopeful. Who doesn’t like Walz?
I knew nothing about him, but I REALLY like him. He brings energy to the race that is quite contagious. I have a good friend who lives in St Paul that goes to the same church he does – says he really likes and respects him. I didn’t think about whether or not Trump might be scared but I think you might be right. I think it never occurred to him that someone might hate him, enough to try to kill him.