“We Have Met the Enemy and He Is Us” Pogo (well. Walt Kelly, really).
We’re not in the US, but I can feel the trauma, the shock, of the election. The people voted, and the majority of them didn’t vote the way we wanted and expected them to vote. A couple of days ago, at a Craft Fair at the Shiinoki Cultural Complex in Kanazawa, Michele got into a conversation with a local, and he asked, “Why?” Michele said she didn’t have an answer.
I don’t really either. But the distraction of being in a new environment gives me the luxury of not thinking about it very much. That makes it easy for me to fall back on my old answers, and I don’t think, at 84, my old answers are really the answers that fit today. My politics are almost a perfect match with Senator Bernie Sanders, so I love his answers, but as much as I love them, I think Bernie’s answers are outdated.
What I do think, however, is that Harris and the Democrats didn’t lose because Harris didn’t go on Joe Rogan enough or used the wrong typeface in her ads. I don’t even think that Harris lost because we are a sexist or racist nation. We are, probably, but that’s not why we lost. I think we lost because the economy was better under Trump. It turns out that most people thought their lives were better under Trump. I don’t mean because of Trump; I think Trump looked good because he inherited the fruits of the Obama recovery. But that may just be my Liberal rationalization.
Coastal California is one of the most Liberal parts of the country, and our Liberal policies have not solved any of our biggest problems. California has the largest homeless population in the country, and we give our children a shitty education. We are #37 in Pre-K-12 education and #22 in High School Graduation Rate, according to U.S. News & World Report. How can that be if our ideas are so much better than, say, Florida, ranked #10 in Pre-K-12 education and #19 in High School Graduation, or Georgia, #25,#17?
What we do do well is take care of our elite selves. Silicon Valley is booming; we have 186 billionaires, an almost infinite number of millionaires, and our elite colleges are the best in the world. We have great parks – National, State, and local – and we keep the homeless out so we don’t have to see them and feel bad or even guilty. Many of our highways are perpetually congested, so we are making special lanes so those who can afford it can pay a little money – for them – to get where they want to go faster.
Don’t get me wrong; I love my life in the United States of America, and especially in California, but the laws and policies are made for me – by people like me – and that is not the way to get votes from people who are not like me. I don’t know what the answers are, but I do know that saying that people who voted for Trump are stupid or saying that Trump is a fascist is not effective.