Will You Commit to the Democratic Candidate? No Matter Who?

I’m not going to make judgments now, I just think that it depends upon how we treat one another between now and the time we have a nominee. Joe Biden, six days before the Iowa caucuses, when asked if he would support Bernie Sanders.

I think Trump is beatable. A lot of why Trump won is because he ran against the establishment – both the Democratic and Republican Establishment as well as the mainstream, mostly Democratic, media – but he also won due to the terrible campaign run by Clinton. Unfortunately for us Democrats, Trump also ran a brilliant, transformative, campaign relying on Social Media (ironically because he didn’t have as much money as Clinton and couldn’t afford much television time). Beatable, that is If the Democrats run a good – probably modern is a better way to say it – campaign. Because the Democratic Media and Political Establishments wanted Joe Biden, who seems the best bet for creating the least amount of change, they convinced themselves that the nominee was going to be him. But they were concerned about losing the Bernie crowd, so they tried to make it very clear; the goal – the only goal, really – is beating Donald J. Trump. They wanted us to know that beating Trump is more important than any interparty squabble. During the last six, seven, months, I’ve been asked, probably close to twenty times, if I would commit to voting for the Democratic candidate no matter who, even if he is a moderate like Joe Biden. I always – very reluctantly – say “Yes”.

But Bernie Sanders got the most votes in Iowa and New Hampshire, is leading the nomination Nationwide according to several polls, and it is now looking like Sanders could actually get the nomination. I’m beginning to understand how those questioners felt, what if the “moderates” who like Joe Biden only think that beating Trump is more important if the moderates win the primary? Looking at the Biden statement at the top is sort of frightening, Biden is actually saying he will not commit to backing Sanders (right now).

A reasonable case can be made that the Democratic Party, the Nancy Pelosi party, the Biden party would rather Trump win than Bernie. I know that is heresy and I hope I’m being hysterical but, while a Trump presidency is worse for the world, it is better for the Corporate Democratic Establishment. They are in office because of the support Fossel Fuel Industry and the Pharmicidical Industry. The Green New Deal – which Pelosi has consistently denigrated and has refused to even have a hearing on – would gut the Fossel Fuel Industry and cut off a major cash cow, the same for Medicare for All and the Pharmicidical Industry. It scares me.

2 thoughts on “Will You Commit to the Democratic Candidate? No Matter Who?

  1. Klobuchar, Bloomberg, Mayor Pete: Yes!

    Sanders, Warren: No. And I would be sad that, given the cretin who is their opposition, that the Dems would clueless enough to chose a candidate who would be even worse for the country.

    Biden: I don’t know. As a long time Oakland resident, I lived through a 4 years of mayor who was checking boxes off for his eventual obituary. It was not pretty. I don’t want to go through that as a nation. Sadly, he still would probably be better than 4 more years of Trump

  2. Yes. I think that Trump is dangerous and Pence, perhaps more so. Bernie has consistently put forward his beliefs and I think that he has integrity. Bloomberg, I am convinced could outfox Trump and could definitely take him. The others, in my opinion, are weaker but definitely an improvement over what we have now.

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