AOC’s Answer to Representative Yoho

Michele has pointed out that everywhere there is racism, there is also misogyny. Women gaining power, especially women of color like Representatives Ilhan Omar and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez enrage the right. A rage that is out of all proportion. The night before last, I published a blog post that included my admiration of AOC, and yesterday I got a rambling hate-filled anti-AOC comment – that I’ve deleted – but gave me a very small taste of what women of color go through all the time.

Two days ago, Florida Representative Ted Yoho, a self-described Christian, insulted AOC on the Capitol steps and her answer is below. I think it is worth listening to.


2 thoughts on “AOC’s Answer to Representative Yoho

  1. I read her reply. It was beautifully composed, the work of a mature person, not a young firebrand as some have labelled her. She is the hope of the next generation.l

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