An erratum or corrigendum (comes from Latin: errata corrige) is a correction of a published text. As a general rule, publishers issue an erratum for a production error (i.e., an error introduced during the publishing process) and a corrigendum for an author’s error. Listed under Erratum in Wikipedia
According to the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry, there are between 20,000 to 50,000 jobs in, and supported by, the state’s fracking industry. Sep 4, 2020, the first listing under fracking jobs in a Google search.
In the last post, while complaining about Vice-Presidental candidate Senator Kamala Harris saying three times that Biden wouldn’t ban fracking, I said, More importantly, it was unnecessary, nobody, who isn’t in the business really cares except people who are against fracking. While the sentence is pretty much true, the unnecessary part is my opinion. Pennsylvania is a key state in this election and there are somewhere between 20,000 to 50,000 well-paying – mostly union – jobs in the fracking biz in Pennsylvania, the Biden campaign obviously thinks that assuring those people they will not lose their jobs is necessary.
Of course he does. Lots of folks in Pa and WV make a lot of money from fracking. I still am against it for the damage that it causes. But that doesn’t help in those states. They’ve lost jobs in mining, steel and now maybe fracking.
Tough reality.
The problem is that the past has long-established lobbies and the future just has a couple of relatively poor dreamers.
`Is this your picture? It looks like the hills around Bakersfield, terrible and beautiful at the same time.
You’re exactly right, Linda it was taken standing by the side of the road on Highway 33 near Taft (which, as you probably know, is west of Bakersfield). I lifted it from a post I made in 2016: http://srstern.com/2016/bitterwater-58-33-then-darkness-cont/
Your China balloon story and photos are brilliant and beautiful and a reminder of planet Earth’s myriad marvels–and what you and Michele have contributed to our knowledge of them. Pity you then brought us down to earth with the ugly, and arguably unnecessary, Corrigendum.
And ref the future and its ‘relatively poor dreamers’, today’s news of an almost miraculous asteroid shot provides a glimpse of the resources, human and dollar-wise, behind it–and of an infinity of other dreamers’ possibilities.