My heart is beating just like it should, and, through the residual haze of the anesthesia, I am thrilled. To make a long story short, when I got my ablation about a month ago, I still ended up with a slight heart flutter. The doctors put me on a drug, Sotalol, to slow my heart rate and, hopefully, get rid of the flutter. It didn’t, however, and I continued to be out of breath. My ablation doctor said that my heart is injured from the Ablation and, my words here, is fluttering from all the scaring done by the procedure – if three to four hours of fiddling in and around my heart can be called a procedure – and it often takes cardioversion to get in a regular rhythm. I had the cardioversion yesterday and now the doc says my heartbeat is normal with no irregularities. I hope it stays that way.
Steve, Take care. Like you need that advise!? Hope all progresses well.
Best to Michelle