I ran into an interesting statistic the other day. The fourth district of California, the western Sierra slope from Tahoe to Sequoia National Park voted for Trump over Hillary 54 to 39.3% but they voted for Kamala Harris 63.3 – 36.7%. My immediate reaction was that this confirms my belief that the main problem the Democrats have is that they are running people who are not liberal enough, that they are running the same old, tired, candidates who are indebted to their corporate masters rather than running younger candidates who are willing to fight for Single Payor, a real minimum wage, and free college – in other words, those things the big corporate donors are against.
But, as soon as I thought about it, I remembered that, in California, the election is between the two candidates who had the highest vote during the primary. In this case, the highest vote getters were Kamala Harris and Loretta Sanchez, both Democrats and, although Harris was the more liberal and Sanchez is an old-fashioned pol, she wasn’t running against a Republican so the results are not really a good test.
What does seem to be a good test, however, is the Florida race, Tallahassee’s liberal mayor Andrew Gillum verses Trump backed Ronald DeSantis from Florida’s 6th congressional district. I don’t really know much about either candidate – except what I’ve read in the last two days – but my bias is towards Gillum (and everything I read about him confirms that bias, what a surprise).