Monthly Archives: November 2014

They are moving in and taking over

Backyard-76For at least the last ten years, we have had a doe that visits our backyard. Michele would go out and talk to her in a soothing voice and she has become more brazen, even walking up on the deck to eat the potted  plants that I have brought on to the deck to protect. Then she started bringing her fawns with her. Last spring she even left her two fawns in our ivy. Somehow, it seemed like we had become her babysitters.Backyard-76-2Both Michele – I think – and I have mixed feeling about all this. Yes, it is fun having the deer around, but they also do an amazing amount of damage. They eat everything, including stuff that is – allegedly – deer proof.. This morning, when I went out to the garden, there was a large buck just camped there. I snuck back and grabbed my camera but by then he was nervous, jumped up, and left. I didn’t get much in the way of photos, so you will just have to take my word for the fact that he was a magnificent animal.







A couple of thoughts on Voting this year


Don’t be cynical, A cynic is just a man who found out when he was about ten years old that there wasn’t any Santa Claus, and he’s still upset. Judge Philander Coates

I love voting but I don’t always love the results. This year was different, however, in that I didn’t particularly enjoy the voting part either. Partially because I felt certain that I would not like the results. By Tuesday morning, I had quit thinking the polls were wrong, still, I didn’t expect that much of a blow out. But even more disconcerting is that I didn’t care about the results as much as I wanted to and felt I should. My disappointment in Obama has bled into a generalized disappointment and that has dampened my enthusiasm.

I want to be clear that I think Obama is a good, journeyman, President and I want to acknowledge that he has had an uphill fight in getting needed legislation passed . He has done alot of – what I consider – good. Much of it under the radar, like appointing a large number of – mildly – Liberal Appellate Judges which, importantly, is the pool from which the next couple of Supreme Court Justices will come. He has reduced the National Debt (a fact that is often hidden by the Republican’s hysterical screams). He has reduced taxes, although in sort of a backhanded and bumbling way, even if nobody seems to know it.

Still, I am disappointed. Some of that disappointment with Obama are what are usually touted as his major accomplishments ObamaCare and the Economic Recovery. I am not a fan of ObamaCare  – which I think is, primarily, a boon to insurance companies, subsidized by Federal Money  – still, he got a Universal Health Insurance bill through and nobody else has been able to do that. Yes, we have had  a steady, all be it slow, Recovery under Obama but the poor are not part of it and most of the money has gone to a cabal of the already rich.

My biggest complaints, in the end, my real complaints  with Obama are really complaints about his failure to change our National Direction, his failure to be the transformational president of his campaign. We are on a path that I believe is destructive to our country: at home, we, increasingly, have policies that result in less Economic Fairness, less Democracy, less Transparency, and more Oligarchy  and everywhere else, we are locked into what the historian Charles A. Beard calls perpetual war for perpetual peace.

Of course, Obama wasn’t running in 2014, even if the Republicans tried to make the election about him. I am not sure, actually, who was running because most of the Democrats weren’t running as Democrats. I think the refusal to run for the Democrat’s accomplishments but only against the Armageddon that the republican would surely bring on, was a big mistake. In Connecticut, Governor Dannel Malloy ran on the fact that he got some gun controls through, as did John Hickenlooper, Colorado’s governor. They both won but everybody else lost. Including, I think, me.


Tom Magliozzi , RIP

Good guys-76Tom Magliozzi died Monday morning from complications of Alzheimer’s Disease. Tom, along with his brother Ray, were Click and Clack the Tappet Brothers on NPR’s Car Talk, one of my very favorite programs on my favorite radio network. I loved Car Talk and I don’t think that had as much to do with the fact that it was about cars as it was about humor. Both humor as in comedy and humor as in good humor, in which they abounded. They always seemed to be having fun.

I’ll miss him, I’ll miss Car Talk.


Turns out he wasn’t kidding,” said Ray. “He really couldn’t remember last week’s puzzler.” 1