I drove up to San Francisco to photo the full moon from the Golden Gate Bridge as it came up. Well, that was the plan: but when I got to South San Francisco, the fog was blowing across 280. I figured it would be worse at the Golden Gate, so I bailed on that and drove to Twin Peaks. Looking down on the bridge, I figured I was right.
But the view back at downtown was clear with just a wisp of fog hanging out by Berkeley.
I knew the moon would be coming up too far south for me to get a shot of it over San Fran and that it would be coming up too late for many lights to still be on in buildings downtown but it was a warm – if windy – night so I stuck around. The sun set through the fog behind us as the moon rose over the Hayward Hills.
Beautiful and as you know, in San Francisco it’s weather by neighborhood and it changes hour to hour.
Ironically, about sunset, it started to clear up by the bridge.